Friday, January 31, 2020

La Virgen de Guadalupe Essay Example for Free

La Virgen de Guadalupe Essay I decided to write my paper on the Virgin of Guadalupe because I was raised to praise her but I never knew how she came to be. After reading about the Virgin Mary, so many things make sense now. Ten years after the conquest of Mexico, On December 9, 1531, Juan Diego was on his way to the Convent of Tlatelolco for mass . At sunrise he reached the foot of Tepeyac. Suddenly he heard music that seemed like the chirping of thousands of birds. Very surprised he stopped, raised his eyes to the top of the hill and saw that it was illuminated with a strange bright light. The music topped and then he heard a sweet voice from the top of the hill, calling him Juanito , Juan Dieguito Juan got up fast and upon reaching the top saw the Blessed Virgin Mary in the middle of a rainbow. Her beauty and kind eyes filled his heart with joy as heard he tender words she said to him. She spoke to him in Aztec. She told him that she was the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God. She revealed her desperate desire to have a temple in her honor and to accomplish what my clemency pretends, she said go to the house of the Bishop of Mexico and tell him I ent you to express my great desire, that here on these plains build me a temple. She asked if he would say what he has seen and what he heard. She expressed that she would be grateful and will pay him back, because of his merit she would be happy and she would Ireward the effort and fatigue that this Journey would cause him. Juan bowed to her and said Madam, and I will fulfill your mandate, she said l dismiss you , l, your humble servant. Juan Diego came to the house of Bishop Zumarraga, he said all that the Mother of God had told him, but the Bishop did not elieve him, asking him to come back another day. That same day he returned to the top of the hill and saw the Blessed Virgin waiting. With tears of sadness he told her about his failed mission. She asked to back to see the Bishop the next day. Juan Diego met the mandate of the Blessed Virgin. This time he had better luck, the bishop asked for a sign. Juan went back to the hill, told Mary and she promised to give him a sign the next day in the morning, but Juan Diego could not complete her request because of the illness of his uncle Juan Bernardino. On December 12, Juan Bernardino Juan Diegds uncle was dying and Juan Diego rushed to bring a priest of Tlatelolco . He came to the side of the hill and decided to go through the other side to avoid being seen by the Blessed Virgin. The Blessed Virgin wanted to meet his uncle and surprised Juan Diego when she went down and out to meet him. Juan apologized for not coming the day before. After hearing the Juan Diego speak, she said, Listen and understand my son. For your heart is troubled, do not fear this nor any other sickness or anguish that is why I am here! Are you not under my shadow? Am I not our health? What else do you need? Do not be afflicted by the illness of your uncle, who will not die now of, she sure that he has healed. When Juan Diego heard these words he was happy. He asked for some proof before he was off to see the Bishop. She told him to climb to the top where you saw me and there you will find different flowers, cut them, collect them and bring them back to me. When Juan Diego reached began to cut them and laid them in her lap. She took the flowers in her hands, arranged them on the cloak and said heres the signal that you must take to the Bishop. Rigorously she commanded him that only before the Bishop unfold his cloak and discover what you wear Juan Diego stood before the Bishop Fray Juan de Zumarraga , and told him the details of the fourth illusion of the Blessed Virgin , he opened his cloak to show the flowers, which fell to the ground. The Bishop was amazed because of the appearance the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary painted with the most beautiful colors on the rough cloth of his cloak. Works Cited . web. 16 oct 2013.. N. p. . web. 17 oct 2013.. .N. p.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

What is LinkedIn? Essay -- Website, Professionals, Networking

LinkedIn LinkedIn is a website specifically established for the professionals all around the world to network. The website allows people to search for business contacts, manage their professional identity, research firms, join industry groups and identify desired career opportunities. This website is also being leveraged by the brands and recruiters and many corporate profiles have been established on LinkedIn to recruit candidates and develop a pool of potential candidates through networking (Lewis, 2012). Is the organization doing well? Despite the increasing competition in the internet sphere, LinkedIn has been performing since its establishment in 2003. LinkedIn is always going to have the benefit of being pioneer in launching a website that targeted the specific niche of professionals for networking and recruiting. As of March 2012, LinkedIn was declared as the largest professional network on the internet with revenue of $522.2 million in 2011. By 2012, the website has more than 150 million members in over 200 countries. The success of LinkedIn can be determined from the fact that it is the first major U.S. social networking company that completed its initial public offering in 2011 by raising an aggregate of $270.2 million for general corporate purposes and working capital (Our Social Times, 2012). The main reason for the success of LinkedIn has been its ability to offer innovative products and services to all its members. The individual profiles and corporate profiles are provided with different range of products through which they can affectively leverage the potential of LinkedIn. The company has targeted all areas in the specific niche of professionals around the world and has diversified its portfolio to r... ...ed Marketer, February 2009, pp. 17-18. Steyn, P., Salehi-Sangari, E., Pitt, L. and Berthon, P., (2010). The SocialMedia Release as a Public Relations Tool: Intentions to Use Among B2B Bloggers. Public Relations Review, 36(1), pp.87-89. Thackeray, R., Neiger, B., Hanson, C. and McKenzie, J., (2008). Enhancing Promotional Strategies Within Social Marketing Programs: Use of Web 2.0 Social Media. Health Promotion Practice, 9(4), pp.338-343. Venkatesan, Rajkumar, Kumar V., and Bohling, Timothy, (2007). â€Å"Optimal Customer Relationship Management Using Bayesian Decision Theory: An Application for Customer Selection†, Journal of Marketing Research, 44(4), pp.579-594. Verhage, Bronis, (2010). Marketing Fundamentals. Noordhoff Uitgevers bv., Groningen. Ward, David, (2009). â€Å"Needs Seeded Strategies†, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, vol. IV, iss. 3(9), pp.441-456.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


1. Who benefits from the government policies to (a) promote production of ethanol and (b) place tariff barriers on imports of sugar cane? Who suffers as a result of these policies? ANS: Benefiters in promoting production of ethanol: -Corn producers. They get subsidies from the government and get a free way of marketing from the government. The government promotes consumption of ethanol, ethanol is produced out of corn, so indirect marketing for corn farmers that will get more demand out of policies that promote ethanol. -Ethanol sellers. -People all around the world. As to be seen in the direction of global warming, you can say that using ethanol is better. But using ethanol leads to increasing food prices. So there is a negative and a positive side. -Businesses. If farmers get subsidies from the government they can lower their price. If farmers lower their price, the production to produce ethanol becomes cheaper thus making ethanol cheaper. Businesses that use ethanol will have a cheaper price, reducing costs and increasing profits. -The Government. In a democratic society we are seeing right now that a lot of people go green. When going green the government is trying to let you know that he cares about the world and he wants to make it better. It is a win win situation because there are no people in our opinion that are opposed in going green, but they are a lot of followers and possible followers that support an environmental friendly world. Benefiters in placing tariff barriers on imports of sugar cane: -The Gove rnment. They get all the money out of these tariffs. Sufferers as a result of these policies: -Countries that produce sugar for a living. Profit goes dramatically down when talking about a 25 to 50% import tariff. -Countries that set import tariffs for sugar. Countries that produce sugar can have put import tariffs themselves as protection against the country that has an import tariff on them. And countries that produce sugar can consider other possibilities when exporting their product to another country. They can acknowledge that it is not in their best interest to produce products to a land where import tariffs are so ridiculously high. They can see other possible solutions. 2.  One estimate suggests that if food prices rise by one third, they will reduce living standards in rich countries by about 3 percent, but in very poor ones by about 20 percent. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute, unless policies change, cereal prices will rise by 10 to 20 percent by 2015, and the expansion of bio-fuel production could reduce calorie intake by 2 to 8 perc ent by 2020 in many of the world’s poorest nations. Should rich countries do anything about this potential problem? If so,what? ANS: Rich countries should not give any subsidies to the bio-fuel corn farmers. They should decrease import tariffs so that it can be cheaper for countries that produce sugar (and so they can make bio-fuel out of sugar) thus increasing the amount of sugar that countries can export. They should develop new ideas in how they can attack environmental changes through cost-effective ways. 3. The argument for giving subsidies to ethanol producers rests upon the assumption that ethanol results in lower CO2 emissions than gasoline and therefore benefits the environment. If we accept that global warming is a serious problem in itself, should we not be encouraging government to increase such subsidies? What are the arguments for and against doing so? On balance, what do you think is the best policy? ANS: When the government started to subsidies farmers who grow crops. So they could turn them into bio – fuels ( primarily corn and soy beans ). More farmers where now planting crops, because then they got subsidies from the government. It’s also very good for th e environment. But it also has a negative side. When more farmers where planting crops. There was an dramatic effect on the demand for corn and soy beans. It increased very fast that in 2007 the U.S was responsible for half the global increase for the demand on crops. But when this happened the high tariffs where shutting out producers of the product sugar cane. So they could compete with the other products because the prices were so high. And that’s very unfortunately because sugar cane is an more friendly environment material than crops and soy beans. I think the best policy is to reduce the high tariffs on the other products. Because the sugar cane is even more environment friendly. And isn’t that what it’s all about, reducing the global warming effect. So I think they should drop the high tariffs and introduce the sugar cane.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Eliot s Argument For Moral Judgement - 870 Words

In order to fully understand Eliot’s statement, it would be helpful to locate the statement in Eliot’s essay and then speculate its meaning within its context. Right before the quoted passage, Eliot writes, â€Å"if were agreed as to what we meant by wisdom, by the good life for the individual and for society, we should apply moral judgements to poetry as confidently as did Johnson† (Eliot 212). It seems Eliot implies that Johnson is confident about his moral judgement because there is a consensus in society on what is right and what is wrong. Consequently, when Johnson reads a text, it is relatively easy for him to judge the morality of this work, whereas Eliot’s time is â€Å"an age in which no two writers need agree about anything† (Eliot 212). For this reason, Eliot laments that readers in his age must endeavor to â€Å"discount [the] attraction or repulsion† of â€Å"the ideas, as well as the personality of the author† (Eliot 212) . Yet in Johnson’s age, the relatively homogenous value system, Eliot believes, frees Johnson from the struggle to dissociate the work from the author’s idea. Johnson can simply disregard the author and weighs the text against the commonly accepted value, as Eliot says, â€Å"what interests Johnson is the edifying power of the poem, rather than the deliberate intention of the poet† (Eliot, 212). In other words, Eliot portrays Johnson as an disinterested critic who is only interested in how a text reflects the commonly accepted morality. In this sense, Johnson is ableShow MoreRelateddsfsdsfs4469 Words   |  18 Pagespiece of writing written from an author s personal point of view, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of an article and a short story. Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope s An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man)Read MoreModern Banking19159 Words   |  77 PagesBanking Firm–Intermediary. i SL SD iL iâˆâ€" iD DL 0 T B Volume of loans/deposits i L − i D: bank interest differential between the loan rate (i L) and the deposit rate (i D) which covers the cost of the bank s intermediation S D: supply of deposits curve S L: supply of loans curve D L: demand for loans curve 0T: volume of loans supplied by customers i âˆâ€": market interest rate in the absence of intermediation costs the volume of deposits/loans appears on the horizontal axis